

Kpg Taee Gawai Parade a vibrant display of Dayak culture

Posted on 02 Jun 2024
Source of News: Borneo Post Online

SERIAN (June 2): The Kampung Taee Gawai Parade 2024 on Saturday was a vibrant celebration of Dayak culture that managed to attract thousands of visitors.

According to event organiser George Oscar, the long-standing tradition drew over 1,000 locals and visitors in celebration.

“The parade started with a procession, which displayed a creatively constructed float made of bamboo, and was followed by the Bi-Bukar Bidayuh community dressed in traditional and warrior costumes.

“Visitors who joined the procession danced joyfully to the music while admiring the beauty of the village along the 2-kilometre route,” he said in a statement.


George said the event transcends being a mere parade.

“It is a vibrant showcase of the arts, culture, traditional dances and music of the Bukar Sadong group of Bidayuhs,” he said.

Throughout the festival, the community offered visitors traditional cuisine and 2024 Limited Edition Harvest Festival Pepsi cans.

“We hope all attendees leave with cherished memories they can share with their friends and family,” he said.

He also extended his gratitude to Pepsi Malaysia, who was the main sponsor of the event.

Pepsi sponsored the construction of a grand stage for Kampung Taee’s performers and a float for the procession.

The float, which was shaped like a rice field, symbolises the longstanding tradition of honouring Borneo’s rich cultural heritage and dedication to fostering unity and artistic appreciation.

Also present was Etika vice president of marketing Amy Gan.

The Kampung Taee community will participate in the state-level Gawai Dayak Parade on June 15 in Kuching.