

Uggah: GPS govt fully committed to transforming Sarawak’s rural areas

Posted on 31 May 2024
Source of News: Borneo Post Online

KUCHING (May 31): The Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government has always been fully committed to advancing rural development, said Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

The Deputy Premier said GPS has never neglected rural development and from day one under Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg’s leadership, the government has recognised the development gap between rural and urban areas.

He pointed out Abang Johari has allocated substantial funds to implement transformative rural projects and programmes.

“As a matter of fact, the GPS government has made it a policy and priority to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas.

“Our focus has been, and will continue to be, on improving infrastructure, access to healthcare, providing education and income generating opportunities, expanding internet and digital services to rural communities, and much more,” Uggah said in his Gawai Dayak message today.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Port Development and Second Minister for Finance and New Economy said this commitment is clearly reflected in the Sarawak Budget for 2023 and 2024.

Under the 2023 Sarawak Budget, 60 per cent or RM4.54 billion of development expenditure was allocated for rural development, and this increased to 63 per cent or RM5.695 billion under this year’s budget.

For the 12th Malaysia Plan, RM44.28 billion has been approved for rural infrastructure, focusing on roads and bridges, with an additional RM1.64 billion allocated for rural transformation programmes.

Additionally, about a year ago, Abang Johari established nine regional development agencies, each allocated with an unprecedented budget of RM1.5 billion to carry out their respective tasks.

These agencies are the Northern Regional Development Agency (NRDA), Highland Development Agency (HDA), Upper Rajang Development Agency (Urda), Betong Division Development Agency (BDDA), Sri Aman Development Agency (Sada), Integrated Regional Samarahan Development Agency (Irsda), Greater Kuching Co-ordinated Development Agency (GKCDA), Mid Rajang Development Agency (Mirda), and Rajang Delta Development Agency (Radda).

“Their objectives essentially revolve around bringing in much-needed rural infrastructure and socioeconomic programmes, with a focus on expediting their implementation,” Uggah pointed out.

He said these initiatives are the most tangible and concrete proof of the GPS government’s focus and passion for rural development, aiming to ensure that rural areas attain development status by 2030.

This aligns perfectly with the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030, which aims for Sarawak to achieve economic prosperity, social inclusivity, and environmental sustainability by 2030, he said.

“Therefore, it is most appropriate for the Dayak community to express our deep appreciation for the rural-biased development policy of the GPS. The unity of our people has been the driving force behind the political stability, progress, and economic development that we enjoy today.

“Let us, during this festive season, celebrate the existing unity, harmony, and cooperation among us all, in sync with our slogan ‘Segulai Sejalai’. Finally, may this Gawai Dayak celebration fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with good health and prosperity,” he said.

Uggah also shared his and his family’s heartfelt Gawai wishes to all Dayaks, wherever they may be.

“May this special day continue to bring us everlasting peace, health, and happiness. Selamat Hari Gawai 2024, Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai, Lantang Senang Nguan Menoa,” he added.